Saturday, February 28, 2009

Poor baby :(

nMy poor little man is sick. He had a runny nose on Friday and then when we got home we took him temp. It was 101 degrees. I feel so bad for him. IWe gave him some Tyenol too feel better and knock out that fever. He was able to nurse, so he's getting food. We called the doctor and they said just to keep the Tyenol to reduce the fever.

It was a long night for both me and Jason. We are very tired today. But we were up with him all through the night when he was up. He slept in our bed last night so we could tend to him easily. His fever went down this morning. He has taken two naps already. Which he really needs.

He's napping on me right now as I'm typing this. I love this little man.

Here's a late photo of him on Valentine's Day.

5 months

Well Logan is 5 months now. I can't believe it. He's getting so big already. At his 4 month appointment he was 13 lbs and 24in long. So he's only in the 25th percentile. That's ok. He's since grown. Not sure how big he is though.

Here is his 5 month picture that we took in his room.

Here are some pictures that my friend Sara did for his 5 month photo shoot.