I'm still sick, so Im glad we had off again. But I've been stuck with the tissue box right next to me the whole day.
Well, one year ago today we fond out that I was pregnant.
Not the best picture but oh well. I woke up around 3am to pee. Before I got up I took my temp. And it was still high, so I decided to test. I took the dollar tree test and no line came up at first. I went to check again after 5 minutes and I thought I saw something. I ran upstairs and asked Jason what he saw. He said, "You mean that second line?" and went back to sleep. I was freaking out. So then I took another test and it came back the same. I then went to school thinking about it all day. Did it really have a second line? Am I pregnant? OMG.
We went to WalMart and got a digital. When we got home I was going to go take it. Jason said to wait until tomorrow since I was stil really early. He went upstairs to play Guitar Hero, I proceeded to the bathroom. I was brushing my teeth and then it popped up PREGNANT! Holy shit, really? It can't be we tried for so long. And I even scrathed the screen looking for the NOT. The Clomid worked.
I set the test next to the mail and called Jason down. I told him I need help putting away the groceries. But first there's the mail just look at that. He picked up the mail then looking over at the test and back to the mail. He again looked at the test and picked it up and said, "Are you serious? Really?!" I nodded, he then ran over and gave me the biggest hug ever. It was the greatest.